1 - Surface Preparation
It is necessary to install artificial stone on surfaces that are not subject to settling or deformation. The wall must be strong, clean, and even. Regardless of the surface type, it is necessary to prime it for better adhesion to the adhesive compound.
2 - Mixing Stone from Several Boxes
Before starting the installation, open several packages of stone. Mix the stone from two or three boxes of the batch! This will prevent textured and tonal fragments from standing out in the overall pattern.
3 - Preliminary Stone Layout
For a beautiful cladding, lay out the intended composition on a horizontal surface before sticking the stone. This will give you a visual representation of how it will look on the wall. Swap elements until you get the best results.
4 - Material Preparation
For better adhesion, the backside of the stone must be clean – free of a thin cement layer. If it is present, remove it with a stiff metal brush – scrape (2-3 times) the reverse side of the stone tile. If there are stones with untreated edges, remove the rough edges with a file.
5 - Surface Marking
To maintain horizontal lines, it is recommended to mark the cladding surface in advance using a ruler, a builder's level, or a laser. For setting horizontal beacons, you can use a builder's thread or cord.
6 - Preparation of Adhesive Mixture
Prepare the adhesive solution for laying artificial stone, according to the surface type. Mix the dry adhesive mixture with water strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.
7 - Moistening the Backside of the Stone
It is recommended to moisten the backside of the brick to prevent dusting. After wetting, wait two to three minutes for the moisture to be absorbed.
8 - Application of Adhesive Compound
Apply the adhesive compound to a small area of the wall with a thin layer to prevent it from drying out, using a smooth or notched trowel. Also, apply a thin layer of Adhesive to the backside of the stone so that its entire back surface is evenly covered.
9 - Beginning of Stone Laying
Laying artificial stone always starts with installing corner elements if needed for finishing outer corners of walls and door or window openings. Lay them, alternating short and long sides.
10 - Stone Cladding
Press the tile with adhesive applied to it against the wall with vibrating movements and slightly move it from side to side to ensure better adhesion. Remove excess adhesive squeezed out during these actions with a trowel, leaving a little in the joints for better sealing. Try not to soil the stone with glue. If it happens, remove the excess before the glue dries.
11 - Stone Size Adjustment
The stone is easily machined, and if necessary, it can be easily cut with an angle grinder to the required size.
12 - Uniformity of Joints
If the laying is done with jointing, use prepared wooden spacers (or similar) of the required width to ensure uniform joint sizes. When laying rectangular stones, periodically check the uniformity of the laying with a builder's level.
13 - Preparation of Pointing Mortar
After the adhesive solution has completely dried (at least 24 hours), you can start grouting the joints. Special cement grout imitates the masonry mortar and prevents moisture from penetrating under the cladding material. Prepare the grouting mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions.
14 - Grouting Joints
The joints are filled using a bag or syringe gun. It is recommended to fill the joints to a depth of 5 mm. Depending on the depth of the joint filling, the laying acquires either a sharply pronounced contrasting effect or a smoother and calmer appearance.
15 - Processing of Grouted Joints
When the grouting mixture slightly dries and sets (15-30 minutes), tamp the joints with a builder's trowel and remove excess grout by smoothing the joint.
16 - Finishing Joints
After the grout has completely dried, it is recommended to sweep the joints with a medium-stiff brush to remove excess dust and unnecessary grout residues.
17 - Water Repellent
After the cladding has completely dried, for additional protection, the stone can be treated with a special hydrophobic solution. Such a coating will protect the material from moisture and dirt. Before use, carefully read the instructions for using the hydrophobic agent.